
Eurasian Linguistic School

This event was supposed to take place in two cities - Shymkent and Tashkent. In addition, a Children's Book Festival was planned to be held in Shymkent, which received the status of “Cultural Capital of the CIS-2020” by decision of UNESCO. 

However, due to the quarantine in the country, the Eurasian Linguistic School was held in a remote format. 

Linguistic school participants (school, college and university teachers) delivered online lectures on the continuing education program for teachers “Trends in the Development of Human Capital: Financial, Functional and Reading Literacy in a multilingual environment”. Among the lecturers are scientists from Moscow, Shymkent, Nur-Sultan and Almaty. 

All participants of the Eurasian Linguistic School received didactic materials, color editions, programs and certificates from each lecturer. The organizers received thanks and numerous responses with the request to make this event traditional. 

Link to the publication on the website of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University: Eurasian Linguistic School
2020-03-24 19:00