

We invite children and adults, to participate in the competition who want to write a letter to the past, to their relatives – participants of the war; those who were in the rear and helped the country; who are no longer around, but who would like to tell about our common Victory!

Competition conditions:
- The competition will be held in three groups: for schoolchildren, students and adults. The best works will be selected in each age group. 
- Participants will receive certificates of participation, and the winners will receive special diplomas. Also, the best works will be published in a collection dedicated to this significant date. 
- Works (no more than 300 words) must be sent by may 7 to the email address altair.chba@gmail.com marked "Letter to the past". 
- Please specify your full name, city, place of study/work, and attach your photo. 

The results of the competition will be announced on May 9 at 12:00. 

We invite all participants to an online meeting (a link will be sent to each participant). 
2020-04-26 12:00