
About integration of projects of the Academy and the Kazakhstan Public Association "Graduates of Russian Universities"

The meeting participants were presented the updated composition of the Presidium of the Association, which included Arman Barmenbayev (a graduate of the National Research Technological University "MISIS") and Gabdesh Ibraev (a participant in the Rossotrudnichestvo "New generation" Scientific Internship Program) as Vice-presidents. The organization’s activity report for 2019-2020 was heard. 

Guests and participants of the meeting discussed the problems of distance education, the Association's work with graduates and applicants. One of the strategically important issues raised by the participants at the meeting is cooperation and integration of projects with partner organizations, including the "ALTAIR" Children's Books Academy. 

It is expected that, with the support of the Academy, an anniversary Forum of Graduates of Russian Universities in Kazakhstan will be held, which is scheduled to be held on International Peoples' Friendship Day - July 30, 2020. 

In turn, the Association as a co-organizer will participate in the II International Congress "Children and Books in a Multicultural World", which will be held in October. 
2020-05-30 16:00