
Online broadcast of the summing up of the competition "Letter to the past"

The author and ideological inspirer of this project is Doctor of Philology, Professor N. Zh. Shaimerdenova (Almaty).

According to Nursulu Zhamalbekovna, "...All the works of the contest are of high value, because these letters tell about the lives of many heroes who worked in the rear, did not return from the front, went missing, completely survived the war and dreamed of creating a new peaceful state. Thank you to the children, their parents and teachers who helped to re-understand the value of Victory and the lives of valiant relatives (grandparents, great-grandparents) through the prism of the historical memory of the people and generations". 

About 200 letters were sent to the organizing committee from different regions of Kazakhstan and seven countries of the Near and Far Abroad: the Russian Federation, Belarus, the USA, India, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. Despite the fact that the geography of participants, their status and age (from 4 to 60 years) are so diverse, all of them were in a single and powerful rush - they remembered their relatives who participated in the war, told their personal family history and expressed their heartfelt gratitude to them, as well as assured them that they always remember and will remember the heroic past of their fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, and will pass this baton of memory to their children. 

Each letter was unique in content and form — in prose and in poetry. That is why the jury decided to make two nominations: "Memorial Letter" and "Poem to the Hero". Children's artistic creativity was evaluated separately in the category "Drawing for the Victory Day". The authors of letters and drawings were children from 4 years old (which, of course, were helped by their parents), as well as schoolchildren, students and adults. All of them wrote touching letters to their relatives and friends who participated in this merciless and tragic war. 

The names of the winners of the competition were announced live, some letters were read by the participants themselves, well-known compositions of the war years were sounded, and military poems were read out. Many could not hold back their tears, because every line expressed the general pain, and everyone knows the price for Victory. 

The "Letter to the Past" competition united all participants and gave them a sense of pride for their ancestors, heartfelt gratitude and a new understanding of the history of the family and the state. Each participant of this competition became a hero himself, who overcame time and space through his thoughts and letters, proving that in the XXI century, 75 years after the end of the war, the Memory of the heart lives in him!

Congratulations to the winners and all participants of the competition!

Facebook post link: about competition results
2020-05-09 15:00