
Bridges of Friendship and Creation

On the International Day of Friendship, July 30, the Academy of Children's Books took part in the X Forum of graduates of Russian (Soviet) universities.

The event was held in an online format with the participation of different years graduates from various cities of Kazakhstan, Russia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.

Guests of the Forum spoke about the importance of interaction between of Russian (Soviet) universities graduates of different years, about job prospects, and offers for graduates in their welcoming words:

- Vorobyov Konstantin Pavlovich, Press Office Chief of the Representations of Rossotrudnichestvo in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- Suleimenova Eleonora Dyusenovna, President of the Kazakhstan Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature, Doctor of Philology, Professor of al-Farabi KazNU, member of the Scientific-Expert Council of APK;

- Efremova Larisa Ivanovna, Vice-rector for international activities of RUDN University, Chairlady of the International Coordination Council of graduates of educational institutions "INCORVUZ XXI";

- Aliyev Uzeyir Rasim oglu, Chairman of the Public Association "Azerbaijan Association of Russian (Soviet) Universities Graduates".

The Forum was moderated by Doctor of Philology, Professor of al-Farabi KazNU, Honorary President of the Kazakhstan Public Association "Graduates of Russian Universities", member of the Scientific-Expert Council of APK Shaimerdenova Nursulu Zhamalbekovna.

In the plenary part, there were speeches dedicated to the activities of Kazakhstani graduates in various industries.
President of the Kazakhstan Geotechnical Association, Academician of the NEA RK, Director of the Geotechnical Institute, Professor of L.N. Gumilyov ENU, Doctor of Technical Sciences Zhusupbekov Askar Zhagparovich presented interesting facts about joint geotechnical work during the construction of the new capital of Kazakhstan and the structures of St. Petersburg.

Head of the Scientific and Educational Project "Epoch and Personality", Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of L.N. Gumilyov ENU Buribaeva Minura Abiltayevna spoke about anniversary dates in the philological science of Kazakhstan, paying special attention to the successors of the traditions of scientific schools of Russian and Soviet universities.

At the end of the plenary session, President of the Kazakhstan Public Association "Graduates of Russian Universities", the Head of the "ALTAIR" Academy of Children's Books Amanzholova Jemma Bolatovna made a report. Her speech "10 Years Together" summed up the symbolic results of the first decade in the organization's biography and outlined the range of directions in which the Association will work in the coming years. Addressing the participants and guests of the Forum, she thanked everyone for their loyalty and friendship: "Without you, there would not have been these wonderful 10 years of collaboration and co-creation".

The presentation of the project "Russian sign language" by Alina Grinevich (Kostanay) was made in a special way. Her inspiring video "One World Together", performed jointly with schoolchildren and students from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia, really became a kind of bridge of friendship! (see: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4bauaSD2MgRelLRvDLGb9Q)

In the second part of the Forum, which was held under the auspices of the topic "Humanitarian knowledge and challenges of the time", there were discussions of reports of scientists and teachers.

Participants in the general chat left memorable wishes to former, present and future students of Russian universities, which will be published on a special page of the website of the Kazakhstan Public Association "Graduates of Russian Universities". Tlesova Umsunai Kapasovna wrote in the chat the following:

"Today's meeting reminded me of those student years. <...> I'm immensely happy to be at this alumni meeting. I am a graduate of the Omsk State Pedagogical Institute. With great gratitude I remember my teachers: E.I. Ivanova-Yankovskaya, O.V. Zakharova, V.M. Fizikov and many others. I thank the organizers of the Forum who, despite the pandemic, arranged such a warm meeting. And despite the fact that the event was held online, it turned out creatively...".

In these difficult days for our countries, such meetings aimed at unification and commonwealth are very important. Let the memories of the meeting remain in our hearts for a long time, and the planned joint plans will definitely come true!

See you soon!

About holding the Forum on the Rossotrudnichestvo website: read here

About holding the Forum on the website of the "Russkiy Mir" Foundation: read here

About holding the Forum on the page "INCORVUZ XXI" in Facebook: read here

About participation in the forum of scientists of L.N. Gumilyov ENU: read here

About participation in the Forum on the Facebook page: read here
2020-07-30 14:00