
June 6: the day that united us...

The Russian language is rich, powerful and magical... In this marvelous language, Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin wrote his beautiful works. He expressed all his feelings in this language. On the birthday of the great poet, the whole world congratulates each other in the language of Pushkin, reciting his poems and talking about his work.#nbsp;

On this day, the Academy together with KazPRYAL, the Laboratory "Sociolinguistics, translation theory and translation" of Al-Farabi KazNU, the Center "Glossa" of Al-Farabi KazNU and KazAVRV held a webinar on "Russianists in Kazakhstan and in the World", which brought together scientists and teachers from Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, and Azerbaijan in a virtual hall.#nbsp;#nbsp;

The following guests made a welcome speech and congratulations to all participants: Adviser of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Kazakhstan#nbsp;Aleksey Anatolyevich Koropchenko; Deputy Director of the Publishing House "Zlatoust"#nbsp;Natalia Olegovna#nbsp;Kozina#nbsp;(Moscow); Head of the Department of the Kyrgyz National University n.a. Zh. Balasagun#nbsp;Nurlan Alymkulovna#nbsp;Akhmetova#nbsp;(Bishkek); Head of the Department of Practice and Career Development of Graduates of the Baku Slavic University#nbsp;Yashar Kamil oglu#nbsp;Alkhasov#nbsp;(Baku).#nbsp;#nbsp;

Special gift was the performance of young lovers of Pushkin’s creativity -#nbsp;Amalya Asarova#nbsp;(1st grade pupil of school-lyceum no. 59 in Nur-Sultan) and#nbsp;Ayazhan Altynbayeva#nbsp;(2nd grade pupil of school-lyceum no. 37 in Nur-Sultan).#nbsp;#nbsp;

They "charged" everyone on the wave of creativity, with that wave participants started discussing the development of the Russian language in Kazakhstan and the world. Interesting reports were made, such as:
- "Pushkin and Abay in my life" - Doctor of Philology, Professor at Al-Farabi KazNU, member of the SEC of APK, president of KazPRYAL#nbsp;#nbsp;Eleonora Dyusenovna Suleimenova;

- "Russianists in Kazakhstan and in the world (on the pages of the XIV Congress of MAPRYAL)" - Doctor of Philology, Professor at Al-Farabi KazNU, member of the SEC of APK#nbsp;Nursulu Zhamalbekovna Shaimerdenova;

- "Interview with Russianists at the XIV MAPRYAL Congress" – Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Al-Farabi KazNU#nbsp;Tatyana Evgenievna Pshenina,#nbsp;Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Al-Farabi KazNU#nbsp;Madina Ilyasovna Akberdi;

- "The image of Pushkin in the work of documentary filmmaker A. F. Golovinsky (Post Scriptum of the 2019 Alumni Forum)" – Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Al-Farabi KazNU, president of KazAVRV, Head of the "ALTAIR" Children's Books Academy#nbsp;Jemma Bolatovna Amanzholova.#nbsp;

There were also#nbsp;greetings and congratulations#nbsp;of the Pushkin Medal Laureates "For Great Services in the Semination of the Russian language" whose names are:
- Doctor of Philology, Professor#nbsp;Zinaida Kakbaevna Sabitova#nbsp;(Eskishehir, Turkey);
- Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor#nbsp;Valentina Dmitrievna Narozhnaya#nbsp;(Shymkent);
- Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor#nbsp;Mainura Abiltayevna Buribaeva#nbsp;(Nur-Sultan).#nbsp;

For 3.5 hours, the virtual living room has maintained an atmosphere of inspiration and co-creation.#nbsp;

The Academy, being one of the organizers of the event, thanks everyone who was able to make this day full and bright!

Happy holiday!

Link to the post in social networks of the Head of the Scientific and Educational Project "Epoch and Personality" Associate Professor M. A. Buribayeva:#nbsp;here

2020-06-06 17:00